The Critters
In a colourful cosmos not too far away,
live a collection of critters all waiting to play.
When you feel ready - hold out your hand,
they'll guide you through this magical land.
Courage, confidence, laughter and more,
can all be found if you walk through the door.
Within us lie strengths, that we don’t often see,
and here in Kutopia, we help set them free.

Name: Leo the Leopard
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Kindness Rocks
Favourite Colour: Pink
Favourite Food: Purritos
Likes: Art
Dislikes: Bullies
Special Sparkle: Kind
Buy the Leo plushie here!

Name: Frankie the Frilly
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Kindness Rocks
Favourite Colour: Lime Green
Favourite Food: Furmites
Likes: Dirt boarding & skipping
Dislikes: Being left out
Special Sparkle: Empathetic

Name: Finn the Fennec Fox
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Kindness Rocks
Favourite Colour: Orange
Favourite Food: Glitter Bugs
Likes: Quiet time
Dislikes: Loud noises
Special Sparkle: Compassionate

Name: Miah the Meerkat
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Kindness Rocks
Favourite Colour: Purple
Favourite Food: Cuddlegrubs
Likes: Dancing and hugs
Dislikes: Upset critters
Special Sparkle: Caring

Name: Elliot the Elephant
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Pride Oasis
Favourite Colour: Mint Green
Favourite Food: Sea-nuts
Likes: Splashing in puddles
Dislikes: Confrontation
Special Sparkle: Inclusive

Name: Luka the Lion
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Pride Oasis
Favourite Colour: Black
Favourite Food: Cactus Cutlets
Likes: Alone time
Dislikes: Negative self talk
Special Sparkle: Genuine

Name: Paddy the Panther
Pronouns: They/Them
Lives: Pride Oasis
Favourite Colour: Fuchsia
Favourite Food: Cheese
Likes: Photography
Dislikes: Showing up late
Special Sparkle: Proud

Name: Percy the Peacock
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Pride Oasis
Favourite Colour: Turquoise
Favourite Food: Dip
Likes: Disco and dancing
Dislikes: Bad lighting/angles
Special Sparkle: Confident

Name: Winnie the Whale
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Sea of Wonder
Favourite Colour: Pale Pink
Favourite Food: Bubble Bites
Likes: Collecting shells
Dislikes: Being bored
Special Sparkle: Imaginative

Name: Owen the Otter
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Sea of Wonder
Favourite Colour: Green
Favourite Food: Crabalone
Likes: Playing ukulele
Dislikes: Sticky paws
Special Sparkle: Innovative

Name: Jen-Jen the Jellypus
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Sea of Wonder
Favourite Colour: Teal
Favourite Food: Peanut Butter
Likes: Gardening & grooving
Dislikes: Mess
Special Sparkle: Creative

Name: Stevie the Seahorse
Pronouns: They/Them
Lives: Sea of Wonder
Favourite Colour: Coral
Favourite Food: Sea-snaps
Likes: Making bubble sculptures
Dislikes: Crowds & stormy seas
Special Sparkle: Curious

Name: Harrie the Hippo
Pronouns: She/They
Lives: Mellow Marsh
Favourite Colour: Yellow
Favourite Food: Calmberry Muffins (& sereni-tea)
Likes: Naps in the sun & pats on the tum
Dislikes: Walking long distances
Special Sparkle: Calm

Name: Freddy the Frog
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Mellow Marsh
Favourite Colour: Cerulean
Favourite Food: Soothies
Likes: Yoga & meditation
Dislikes: Rough rocks
Special Sparkle: Gentle

Name: Teddy the Turtle
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Mellow Marsh
Favourite Colour: Jade
Favourite Food: Water-mellows
Likes: Music & sandcastles
Dislikes: Public speaking
Special Sparkle: Patient

Name: Pete the Platypus
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Mellow Marsh
Favourite Colour: Lilac
Favourite Food: Sour Worms
Likes: Exploring
Dislikes: Being tickled
Special Sparkle: Understanding

Name: Ginger the Giraffe
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Bravelands
Favourite Colour: Lilac
Favourite Food: Leafy Greens
Likes: Yoga
Dislikes: Deep water & neck cramps
Special Sparkle: Courageous

Name: Willow the Wild Dog
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Bravelands
Favourite Colour: Pink
Favourite Food: Cantelopes
Likes: Digging & discovering
Dislikes: Thunderstorms
Special Sparkle: Adventurous

Name: Zahra the Zebra
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Bravelands
Favourite Colour: Sky Blue
Favourite Food: Stripeberries
Likes: Sunsets
Dislikes: Sand
Special Sparkle: Selfless

Name: Taron the Tiger
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Bravelands
Favourite Colour: Burnt Orange
Favourite Food: Yawn Grubs
Likes: Long naps & short swims
Dislikes: Belly rubs
Special Sparkle: Fearless

Name: Tara the Toucan
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Giggly Treetops
Favourite Colour: Pink
Favourite Food: Tropical Twinkies
Likes: Dancing & music
Dislikes: Bad moods
Special Sparkle: Playful

Name: Sloane the Sloth
Pronouns: He/They
Lives: Giggly Treetops
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Food: Mossghetti
Likes: Naps & jazz
Dislikes: Taking life seriously
Special Sparkle: Easy-going

Name: Charlie the Chimp
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Giggly Treetops
Favourite Colour: Peach
Favourite Food: Silly Sausages
Likes: Bubbles & baths
Dislikes: Serious faces
Special Sparkle: Silly

Name: Rhonda the Red Panda
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Giggly Treetops
Favourite Colour: Red
Favourite Food: Wambamboo
Likes: Bedtime & climbing
Dislikes: Wet fur
Special Sparkle: Funny

Name: Fletch the Fox
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Forest of Fulfilment
Favourite Colour: Orange
Favourite Food: Plumples
Likes: Windy days
Dislikes: Cold feet
Special Sparkle: Determined

Name: Remi the Raccoon
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Forest of Fulfilment
Favourite Colour: Periwinkle
Favourite Food: Leftovers
Likes: Making plans
Dislikes: Mess & moss
Special Sparkle: Motivated

Name: Susie the Squirrel
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Forest of Fulfilment
Favourite Colour: Fulvous
Favourite Food: Butternuts
Likes: Discovering new fungi
Dislikes: Scooter hiding her glasses
Special Sparkle: Encouraging

Name: Scooter the Skunk
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Forest of Fulfilment
Favourite Colour: Purple
Favourite Food: Bumble Beans
Likes: Pranking friends
Dislikes: Being pranked
Special Sparkle: Enthusiastic

Name: Pat the Penguin
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Positivity Pole
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Food: Snow Cones
Likes: Ice skating
Dislikes: Hot weather
Special Sparkle: Positive

Name: Pippa the Panda
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Positivity Pole
Favourite Colour: Yellow
Favourite Food: Bamboodles
Likes: Reading
Dislikes: Interruptions
Special Sparkle: Optimistic

Name: Poppy the Polar Bear
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Positivity Pole
Favourite Colour: Teal
Favourite Food: Freeze-dried Candy
Likes: Making snow angels
Dislikes: Mud puddles
Special Sparkle: Hopeful

Name: Pixie the Puffin
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Positivity Pole
Favourite Colour: Magenta
Favourite Food: Pop Rocks
Likes: Swimming
Dislikes: Tight spaces
Special Sparkle: Helpful

Name: Sia the Snow Leopard
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Placid Peak
Favourite Colour: Cornflower Blue
Favourite Food: Coco Beans
Likes: Branch naps
Dislikes: Branch snaps
Special Sparkle: Resilient

Name: Beau the Bear
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Placid Peak
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Food: Pies
Likes: Building forts
Dislikes: Static electricity
Special Sparkle: Level-headed

Name: Murray the Moose
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Placid Peak
Favourite Colour: Brown
Favourite Food: Syrup
Likes: Knitting & legwarmers
Dislikes: Prickly bushes
Special Sparkle: Resourceful

Name: Maverick the Mountain Goat
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Placid Peak
Favourite Colour: Mustard
Favourite Food: Cloudberry Puffs
Likes: Climbing
Dislikes: Small talk
Special Sparkle: Adaptable

Name: Penny the Pig
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Mindful Meadow
Favourite Colour: Yellow
Favourite Food: Mud Pies
Likes: Flying dreams
Dislikes: Bathtime
Special Sparkle: Grateful

Name: Cruze the Cow
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Mindful Meadow
Favourite Colour: Royal Blue
Favourite Food: Barn Me Roll
Likes: Open meadows
Dislikes: Opening gifts in front of others
Special Sparkle: Considerate

Name: Delilah the Donkey
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Mindful Meadow
Favourite Colour: Lavender
Favourite Food: Honey
Likes: Making flower crowns
Dislikes: Weird textures
Special Sparkle: Thoughtful

Name: Danny the Duck
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Mindful Meadow
Favourite Colour: Yellow
Favourite Food: Silly Seeds
Likes: Crosswords & line dancing
Dislikes: Waking up early
Special Sparkle: Accepting

Name: Quinn the Quokka
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Garden of Joy
Favourite Colour: Indigo
Favourite Food: Veggie-mites
Likes: Her swing
Dislikes: Being itchy
Special Sparkle: Joyful

Name: Keith the Koala
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Garden of Joy
Favourite Colour: Green
Favourite Food: Chum-nuts
Likes: Jokes
Dislikes: Unexpected rain
Special Sparkle: Happy

Name: Kaye the Kangaroo (and Kevin)
Pronouns: She/Her (and he/him)
Lives: Garden of Joy
Favourite Colour: Saffron
Favourite Food: Carrot Cake
Likes: Cooking & craft
Dislikes: Wasting food
Special Sparkle: Generous

Name: Warren the Wombat
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Garden of Joy
Favourite Colour: Plum
Favourite Food: Shrub-a-dubs
Likes: Making lists
Dislikes: Running
Special Sparkle: Content

Name: Darcy the Daschund
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Heartfelt Home
Favourite Colour: Ocean Blue
Favourite Food: Nice-cream
Likes: Singing, tumbling & art
Dislikes: People being sad
Special Sparkle: Affectionate

Name: Fenton
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Heartfelt Home
Favourite Colour: Pink
Favourite Food: Chuna
Likes: Cuddles & lasers
Dislikes: Forced cuddles
Special Sparkle: Supportive

Name: Riley
Pronouns: He/Him
Lives: Heartfelt Home
Favourite Colour: Dark Green
Favourite Food: Treats
Likes: Playing catch & belly rubs
Dislikes: Strangers
Special Sparkle: Protective

Name: Maggie the Magpie
Pronouns: She/Her
Lives: Heartfelt Home
Favourite Colour: Rainbow
Favourite Food: Crumbles
Likes: Riding on Darcy's back
Dislikes: Riley's loud bark
Special Sparkle: Loyal